Happiness in Healthcare


Improve Patient Satisfaction with a more Positive Staff

Discover how lightening up at work will improve patient satisfaction and reduce your staff’s stress levels. Maintaining a sense of humor during challenging situations can be a potent remedy for curing a bad day. Learn the latest brain research on the neuroscience of humor and discover how humor is one of life’s most effective anti-stress measures and a wonderful way to cope with frustrations both large and small.

In today’s world, an absentee employee can impact the bottom line while a stressed-out staffer struggling to make it through the workday is anything but productive. It’s time to take the pulse of your organization and implement a few constructive changes. Watch your medical staff become fully-engaged and less stressed.

* Boost employee engagement and decrease absenteeism.
* Learn new skills that will enable you to take better care of yourself and become a positive and proactive team player.
* Identify the important physiological and psychological benefits of humor to improve patient relations.
* Discover how to improve workplace wellness

“Everything went wonderfully. Carol Ann was well received and had the group laughing the whole hour – quite a gift she has!”

UPMC – University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Cancer Institute

Find out how Carol Ann Small can energize your meeting or event

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